Kids Boost Your Immune System

I don’t have to tell you that getting sick just isn’t fun.  Everyone knows this.  What I can tell you is that working with kids has boosted by immune system to soaring heights.  When I first started working with kids a little over eight years ago I got sick a ton.  If I kid sneezed within twenty feet of me I just knew I was going to catch something.  Over time I noticed that I was getting sick less and less, now, at the time I was incredibly lazy (I weighed almost 230 pounds) and a major slob so I wasn’t helping myself in any way.  I would still get sick, but only three or four times a year.

All the sudden I went a year without catching anything, I get strep throat from time to time, but that’s my one weakness.  I can tell you, without a doubt, that being around kids has boosted my immune system in a major way.  It also helped that I realized how lazy and sloppy I was and I’ve now lost just about thirty pounds (yay me!!) and I keep a much tidier place, so those are big things that help me stay healthy as well.

Men’s Health has been a big help as well, sharing tips on staying in shape, eating right, and keeping clean.  I owe them a lot.

The Gym

Well, I figured it was time to get back into shape.  I joined Planet Fitness about a year ago and I’ve been trying to shed a few pounds.

I started on this protein diet and I run/lift weights depending on the day.  I’ve gotten down to around 203 pounds but I can’t seem to get below that.

I’ve been looking for new ways to try and lose weight and using Men’s Health as much as I can, but I still can’t break 203…the search continues.